

I started to use wxpython a couple of weeks ago. Actually I tried it for a while before but decided to use PyGtk that time for my Copymanager. Anyway, yesterday I needed to use a text control with style support; in wx the widget for that is StyledTextCtrl . When I added it to my window I noticed the horizontal scrollbar appeared by default, even if the content of the widget didn't fill the view. Thinking this control should behave somehow similar to TextCtrl I tried using wx.TE_MULTILINE but this had no effect on the StyledTextCtrl. After reading its entire documentation and trying a couple of options I found WrapMode property that finally gave me what I wanted. styledTextCtrl = styledTextCtrl.WrapMode = True

I'm a waver!!

For 2 days Google Wave have been top trend in twitter and every single technology weblog. I have to admit, I spend almost the entire night of October 1, the day they started to send the 10000 invites, asking and begging for an invite. I think I was pretty luck to get one yesterday afternoon, thanks to  @jraines . So yes, now I belong to the selected (but growing exponentially) group of wavers and I have to say, it feels  reaaaally nice. Google Wave is really amazing, the real time communication is definitely the future. I wish it were integrated with Gmail and Google Documents at least but I guess that's something coming up. If not someone (maybe me :)) will make an extension for that. What inspires me more is that it is entirely open source and with the API in python (and java but that's not my business) Well, for those also lucky to have Google Wave account this is my address, add me to share ideas and waves: godinblack [at] googlewave [dot] com

Apple iPhone/iPod touch development seminar

For those interested in development of iPhone/iPod touch apps this is really good news. Apple is presenting  a seminar about this next Tuesday September 29 in the University of Utah. Here is the link, remember to register to attend. Software Development for the iPhone & iPod Touch

Two links

I got this from a couple of tweets of my friend Maykel Moya ( ): ack is a tool like grep, aimed at programmers with large trees of heterogeneous source code. ack is written purely in Perl, and takes advantage of the power of Perl's regular expressions. Are two different references to the same integer value the same object? The answer: sometimes. Python gotcha: Bizarre integer equality

All my old posts imported

Well, as you may notice I imported all my all posts from Weblog de Julio Carlos to this one. I googled for a while looking for a tool to do it and tried 2 of them but this one made it really easy and fast. Now I only need to move all the images from my previous server in the University of Habana to Blogger. Maybe I'll translate a few ones. Dunno, depending of how much free time I have (not too much this days).
I think I'm gonna start writing again. I'm doing some interesting stuff with Python, MySQL involving bioinformatics that may be useful for someone else besides me. Also I'm entering the world of iPhone development. I already made some very basic stuff and I really like it. So, yeah, I'm gonna write from time to time about it. I know nobody is reading this at this point but hopefully someday someone will, if not, well, I'll read it!

Top ten de mi .bash_history

Siguiendo algo que vengo viendo en varios weblogs aquí esta la lista de los 10 más ejecutados según mi ~/.bash_history : juliocarlos@bristol:~$ history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head 83 ll 78 cd 56 git 49 sudo 21 ssh 19 rm 14 mv 13 python 13 mplayer 12 cat juliocarlos@bristol:~$ El comando ll se refiere a un alias a ls -l . Yasser en su entrada Shell history meme también muestra los 10 suyos.

Dos cosas de Git

Hace un buen rato que no escribo nada por cuestiones de tiempo. Entre todos los proyectos con que nos invaden el tiempo los profesores no alcanza a veces ni para comer. Como hace tiempo escribí me mude de SVK a Git como control de versiones distribuido y ahora dejo para goce y disfrute de todos mis lectores una imagen que encontré hace algún tiempo que visualiza bastante fielmente el proceso de uso de Git: Además les dejo Git para Windows. Desde Google Code pueden descargarlo pero, debido al bloqueo, este sitio no nos permite descargar a los cubanos por lo que me fue bastante difícil conseguirlo. Aquí (8.0 MB) está para los cubanos que tengan ese impedimento geográfico y aquí para los que Google les permita la descarga.